Our network and impact are worldwide.
Spanish-speaking leaders are desperate for quality tools, and they’re coming to us daily from around the world for resources and training to enhance their ministry. With your help, we can cover this map with strong leaders and transformed communities.
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Our network and impact are worldwide.
We’re expanding the leader force daily for the advance of the Gospel.
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Pastor Johanna Chacón Rugh
Fishers, Indiana
Johanna is a native of Costa Rica, and her parents were church planters in some of the poorest neighborhoods of the nation's capital. Receiving her own call to ministry at a young age, Johanna has served many roles within The Wesleyan Church in the United States. She also discovered a passion for equipping current and future church leaders, holding various roles in pastoral oversight and ministry preparation. After discovering WHF in 2022, Johanna immediately put our tools into leaders' hands throughout her network of pastors, both with book purchases and training events. She remarks of finding us, "The resources WHF is making available in Spanish are the bedrock of what we teach our pastors. These proven tools from the Wesleyan revival are what produce effective ministry. I am so grateful for their work and committed to seeing more and more ill-equipped pastors get their vital support."

“These proven tools from the Wesleyan revival are what produce effective ministry.”
Rev Daniel
Macon, Georgia
Daniel, originally from Mexico, is a United Methodist pastor and the Hispanic Ministry coordinator for the South Georgia Conference. Since the pandemic, his cohort of six Hispanic pastors had struggled to get back together for fellowship and study. Since 2021 we have offered courses for these pastors based on books that IEW has translated. It was very enriching to hear these men and women reflect on their own ministry, how Wesley has taught and challenged them, and where they feel God is leading them as pastors of vulnerable populations. Daniel says, "The material we have received from the Wesley Heritage Foundation has not only been generous, but it has also been equally valuable for its historical and theological content. These books are a rich heritage of our theology whose content reaffirms our faith, clarifies our vision of ministry, defines our values, and provides direction for our mission as followers of Jesus Christ."

“These books are a rich heritage of our theology.”
Proving our Impact
Print and digital resources distributed
Leaders trained via in-person workshops, presentations, virtual trainings
Leaders in our network—and growing daily
Motivation for the Future
We’re building a global team of Christians passionate about the Gospel and its spread throughout the world. Since the church’s future depends on today’s leaders, it’s vital that we do all we can to give them what they need for effective ministry. This involves a clear path for how that support unfolds. Our sights are fixed on these short-term objectives by 2027:
Expand our support network to 50,000 leaders
Distribute 75,000 print and digital resources
Train 5,000 leaders across all platforms
Bishop César
Lima, Peru
WHF's ministry has its longest-standing partnership with The Methodist Church of Perú, dating back to our founding. One young pastor at the time, César Llanco, was among the first leaders receiving our resources and support. Since then he's grown in capacity and leadership, having served in pastoral oversight and eventually as bishop starting in 2022. As he's always been, Bishop Llanco is passionate about supporting and nurturing the many pastors in his care, and he relies on us to help train and equip those pastors. In addition to using our books, we have also led courses helping support what God is doing in their communities. Bishop Llanco shares, "Thanks to Wesley Heritage Foundation and Instituto Estudios Wesleyanos, we've been able to count on training and round-table discussions from a Wesleyan perspective for our pastoral team and local leadership. We thank God for the ministry of the WHF/IEW team."